Connection Design Solutions for Wood-Frame Structures
This session will feature a discussion of wood connection design and specification, including common fastener types and where design values can be found for each. Other topics will include the orthotropic nature of wood and its role in connection design, commodity and specialty connectors, and the use of steel connectors in wood-frame construction. Discussion will also include techniques for designing efficient, durable, and code-compliant connections, examples of best practice connection details, and additional resources.
Learning Objectives:
1. Discuss code-compliant connection design in the context of wood and fastener properties.
2. Review design processes for dowel bearing connections in wood structures.
3. Demonstrate effective wood connection design, considering the effects of expansion and shrinkage.
4. Highlight proper specification and detailing of steel connectors used in wood-frame construction.
About Our Speaker:
Noah E. Humberston, PE, APA – The Engineered Wood Association
Noah is an Engineered Wood Specialist based in the Philadelphia area and serves the Northeast region of the United States on behalf of APA – The Engineered Wood Association. He works to provide construction and design direction for the use of APA member company engineered wood products. Prior to his role with APA, Noah gained four years of structural design experience at a national structural engineering firm. He has worked with both national production and regional custom home builders on a wide variety of residential projects. Noah is a graduate of the University of Delaware with a B.S. in Civil Engineering and is a registered Professional Engineer in the state of Pennsylvania.