Rising to meet the Challenges of Coastlines Under Assault - 1 PDH
Webinar - Zoom Platform / 1 PDH - $40 member; $50 non-member / 12pm-1pm; ET
May 16, 2024
Along the shorelines of the state of New York and beyond, we can and must examine the realities of what can be expected over the coming decades.  This includes the threats posed by climate change, sea level rise, increased storm surges and more severe weather events.   The key to our future is to adapt our planning to effectively confront these challenges.  Our options are many, and they include engineering more resilient coastlines, abandonment of highly vulnerable areas, decisions regarding the practicality of funding reconstruction in seriously threatened coastal zones, and more.  This session will examine, in detail, the important decisions we must make regarding the future of our coastal communities.

Speaker:  Peter Hanrahan

Peter Hanrahan is a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, and has more than 45 years of industry experience.  In addition to presentations in Taiwan, Canada and the Dominican Republic, Peter has also presented at the national level for many organizations, including the International Erosion Control Association, Land Improvement Contractors of America, the Geotechnical Fabrics Institute, the National Working Waterfront Network, and the American Water Works Association.  

His articles have been published in many magazines, including Erosion Control, Land & Water, Geosynthetics, and Landscape Architect & Specifier News.

He has also assisted with the development of erosion control standards with the Illinois Tollway Authority, and the State Departments of Transportation in New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois.

Peter has also assisted with the updating and development of erosion control handbooks for the State of Rhode Island, the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, and the Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions.