us for NCSPP's 2021 Holding Contradictions Mid-Winter Conference!
The conference will offer a critical opportunity to: (a) operationalize social responsiveness in our education and training regarding racial injustice and the worldwide pandemic, (b) strengthen our cohesion as an organization, (c) formulate strategies to use our influence for meaningful social change, and (d) COME BACK STRONGER.
We look forward to collaborating in this effort!
Diana Concannon, Psy.D. – NCSPP President-Elect
The 2021 Conference Planning Committee:
Leihua Edstrom, Ph.D., ABSNP – Chair
Mary Peterson, Ph.D., ABPP C/L
Robert Pate, Psy.D.
Note: All times within the agenda are shown in Eastern Time; be sure to register for each session you plan on attending.
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A total of 397 people have registered so far. The following 397 have opted to share their information.
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The NCSPP 2021 Holding Contradictions Mid-Winter Conference will focus on the extraordinary
challenges facing our field. Two unforeseen pandemics have wrought effects on
nearly every sector of the nation—revealing contradictions that demand
attention and must be honored:
Conflict &
Health & Death
Safety & Freedom
Rather than
avoiding these painful counterpoints, we as psychologists are uniquely
qualified to confront each contradiction and hold the inherent tension with
integrity. Our social responsiveness to these dual pandemics will and should change the way we train and educate our students, and direct us toward d broader
impact as we graduate agents of social change and compassionate mediators of
justice, reconciliation, and well-being.
Our 2021 Mid-Winter
Conference will offer us a critical opportunity to: (a) operationalize the
social responsiveness in our education and training with respect to racial
injustice and the worldwide pandemic, (b) strengthen our cohesion as an
organization, (c) formulate strategies to use our influence for meaningful
social change, and (d) COME BACK STRONGER.
Conference programming will include keynote panels addressing the consequences of the dual pandemics, deep dives into the panel topics, and CE sessions on current issues for education and training in health service psychology. Attendees will also have opportunities to participate in the Day of Service effort, networking and conversation, and
NCSPP-focused meetings. Note: All times within the agenda are shown in Eastern Time; be sure to register for each session you plan on attending.