The FSMA Companion Training Program Series 1 - May 2024
Series 1 focuses on the Hazards and Hazard Analysis components in PCHF Subpart C
This is a Virtual Training Series

The Food Safety Consortium Conference (FSC) and The Association for Food Safety Auditing Professionals (AFSAP) are proud to offer a new online Food Safety Training Series developed to explore critical food safety and quality topics in depth and provide industry support on emerging issues and regulatory changes in a timely manner. Each Series is comprised of three, 90 minute sessions delivered weekly over the course of a month.

Using FDA’s recently updated Draft Guidance Document on Preventive Controls for Human Food (PCHF) as a roadmap for the initial 2 parts, each series will pay special attention to a particular FSMA rule. Delivered in three, 90-minute sessions offered over the course of a month, participants will have ample opportunity to absorb the information at a reasonable pace without losing track of materials already covered. While several chapters of the Draft Guidance remain to be published, this offers a great opportunity to review your existing Food Safety Plan and update it with the latest information the Agency has published.

Series 1 focuses on the Hazards and Hazard Analysis components in PCHF Subpart C. From learning how to navigate the new Regulatory Dashboard for insight into upcoming regulations, to developing a comprehensive testing plan for Chemical and/or Biological Hazards, this training will simplify and streamline the food safety plan review process or support the creation of a new plan.  

Series 1 Classes:       

  • The Regulatory Landscape in 2024: May 8
  • Developing a Chemical Testing Program: May 15
  • Developing a Microbiological Testing Program: May 29

This training employs a unique format to expand the participants testing knowledge base for a variety of sectors. The curriculum introduces new skills for attendees who may lack the direct work experience necessary to successfully develop and maintain a FSMA compliant HACCP or Food Safety Plan.

  • Innovative 2-way Virtual Training Format:all webcams are on so the instructor can see each trainee and each trainee can see the instructor. This allows the instructor to monitor the class progress throughout, encouraging group discussion and live questions to the instructor. The 2-Way Virtual format replicates an in-person training experience without the need for travel. Space is limited, as this training can only accommodate 20 participants per series.

    In order to accommodate work schedules and provide ample time for knowledge acquisition, this series consists of three (3) 90 minute classes, over the course of one month.  This ensures knowledge retention and improved depth of understanding in the session topic. Each class is a live broadcast but recordings of the training are provided for the trainee to review the topics later.

    Who should attend?

    • All levels of QA/QC personnel interested in advancing their food safety career into food safety program management and plan development in a wide range of product categories.
    • Entry level food personnel would also benefit from the course format.
    • Food Safety Auditors of all levels will increase their understanding of the food safety principles used in the area of product and environmental testing.
    4.5 CE Hours and Certificate of Attendance: The Food Safety Consortium Conference’s Training , developed by AFSAP is recognized by NEHA (National Environmental Health Association) for Continuing Education (CE) Hours. Upon completion of the training, each trainee will receive a Certificate of Attendance.

    Instructor: Trish Wester, President, Association of Food Safety Auditing Professionals (AFSAP)

    Class Dates: May 8, 15 and 29. All classes start at 11:30 am EST

    Training prices: $795 per person for the entire series (all 3 classes)

    Payment Method: Credit Card or PayPal. PayPal is our credit card processor. You can pay with your credit card and you do not need a PayPal account. Please note, the merchant name on your credit card statement will be "Innovative Publishing"

    Cancellation Policy: Due to the limited size of the classes, we can not accept any cancellations or offer any refund. If a conflict comes up, you may have someone else from your organization take your place.

    About: the 13th annual Food Safety Consortium is an in-person training, conference & expo October 20-22, 2024 in Washington DC. During the year, we offer online training independent of the October conference. More information about the October conference is at The Food Safety Consortium is owned by Innovative Publishing Company that publishes Food Safety Tech a weekly newsletter and online trade magazine. Opt-in to the free weekly newsletter at

    What's Next: The testing series may be offered again based on demand, while additional topics will be covered in future sessions.

Wednesday, May 8
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Where to find them, how to apply them to your product and processing systems and how to monitor them for changes and updates.
Wednesday, May 15
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Addressing hazards that may increase during storage, i.e. when point of origin testing is sufficient or when testing at receipt is necessary.
Wednesday, May 29
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
Developing a comprehensive sampling plan for environmental testing programs.

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