The Art of Structural Detailing
While engineers learn the fundamentals of steel and concrete design in school, they are typically taught little about connection design during their undergraduate education, and are taught little if anything about details, detailing, and constructability. Those things are learned on-the-job. You can model anything - but can it be built? Historically, engineers gradually learned the art of detailing over the first five years of their career. These days however young engineers frequently find themselves detailing within the first two years of entering the profession. This seminar presents an introduction to the art of structural detailing - and presents a global overview as to the mindset of what we need to think about as we design and detail building structures. While this seminar is aimed primarily at younger engineers, all engineers should find this seminar informative - and experienced engineers may find this presentation (and the accompanying handout) to be a useful training tool for younger engineers under their supervision.
About Our Speaker:
Cliff Schwinger graduated from Lehigh University in 1976. He is a senior engineer at IMEG, has more than 40 years of experience designing building structures, serves on the AISC Committee on Manuals, and is a 2023 recipient of AISC’s Lifetime Achievement Award.
Thursday, October 19, 2023