On April 3-6, 2024, the New Mexico Association for Bilingual Education will host The Time is Now! Policy Implementation Through Language and Culture. This 3-day, in-person conference is tailored to New Mexico Educators, Administrators and community members and will explore how a focus on place, equity, and social justice can help to grow instructional practices, build communications and partnerships, and sustain program design for bilingual children, their families, and communities.
"The Time is Now! Policy Implementation Through Language and Culture”
Bilingual Educators are leaders in their communities, from our larger cities to the most rural regions. Coming together at this statewide conference builds a space to collaborate, share, and learn together.
This networking opportunity allows participants to participate in acequia and land grant curriculum development, sessions dedicated to acequias and land grants, and meet bilingual educators across New Mexico. Moreover, it allows our conference participants to learn about the ALGE Education Project’s curriculum, lesson plans, and resources for implementation in our state bilingual multicultural education programs.
Advocate Early and Often: Drive Student Success, Elevate Educators, and Strengthen Programs Using Data Driven Practices
Wednesday, April 3, 2024
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Kathy Durán
Professional Learning Specialists
In this interactive workshop, participants will deepen their understanding of language proficiency as measured on the Avant STAMP assessment. We’ll begin by identifying levels and the benchmarks commonly used in bilingual education and dual language programs. With this foundation, educators apply proficiency and benchmarking resources toward classroom/program goals in their own context. Sample data reports will be introduced to explore best practices in data review. Hands-on opportunities to sample STAMP data at various levels will be followed by small group discussions. We’ll wrap up with an exploration of powerful proficiency-building strategies that teachers can bring back to their classrooms and leaders can incorporate into coaching conversations.
Linguistic and Literacy Justice in K-12 STEM for Linguistically Marginalized Students in New Mexico:
A Biliteracy Approach
Wednesday, April 3rd
Armando Garza Ayala, Ph.D.
In light of the Martinez and Yazzie Lawsuits, NM Bilingual Education teachers could benefit from breaking old paradigms and adopting new visions for teaching their students regardless their backgrounds. In this interactive hands-on workshop-conversation and lesson planning, we will explore these questions, and discuss how we can promote linguistic and literacy justice in education for linguistically marginalized students in NM through culturally and linguistically responsive and biliteracy approaches to teaching K-12 STEM. We will be able to recognize and adopt three types of learning objectives: (1) content (2) language; and (3) biliteracy objective/s.
Through this approach, K-12 STEM Bilingual Education teachers in the State likely become social/racial justice agents. Now more than ever, NM students deserve this linguistic and literacy justice in STEM learning!
Registration Fee: $215
Breakfast and lunch provided.