Wisconsin Wetlands Association thanks everyone who attended the 27th Annual Wetland Science Conference, held virtually Feb. 15-17, 2022.
This 3-day conference was attended by more than 500 people from Wisconsin and 21 other states plus Canada, Mexico, and India. The conference featured keynote addresses, symposia, topical oral sessions, a poster session, workshops, a virtual banquet, roundtables, and plenty of networking opportunities even in a virtual environment. Scroll down to learn about our sponsors and exhibitors and to review the full agenda.
Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources
Baxter & Woodman Natural Resources, LLC specializes in providing maintenance work within naturalized detention basins, wetland mitigation areas, rain gardens, forest preserves, public park areas, and other native landscaping areas.
BioApp is a wetland delineation tool designed by wetland professionals. Collect data on- or offline in any USACE region! Compatible with both Apple and Android devices.
Midwest's Leader in Trail Bridges and Boardwalks. We build what you need to get over it!
We Give Nature A Helping Hand! Let's work together to make the most of your environment!
Interfluve is an employee-owned, interdisciplinary firm specializing in the restoration of rivers, floodplains, estuaries and riparian wetlands.
Madison Audubon works to protect and improve habitat for birds and other wildlife through land acquisition and management, education, and advocacy. We service parts or all of ten counties in south-central Wisconsin!
Midwest Natural Resources (MNR) is a natural resources consulting firm based in St. Paul, MN. Our specialty ecological services include wetland delineation/monitoring, botanical surveys, T&E wildlife surveys, and habitat management plans.
Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin
The Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsin connects generations to the wonders of Wisconsin’s lands, waters, and wildlife through conservation, education, engagement and giving.
Prescott College offers 14 online graduate degrees including our Sustainable Food Systems, Resilient and Sustainable Communities, MBA in Sustainability Leadership, Social Justice and Community Organizing and Environmental Studies degree.
Seiler is your complete Mapping/GIS Source. Let us show you the value of working with our knowledgeable staff.
Seno K/RLT Conservancy is dedicated to sustainable forestry, natural resources education, conservation, and land preservation.
Society of Wetland Scientists - North Central Chapter
The Society of Wetland Scientists started as a scientific society based in the U.S. and has grown into an international organization with the mission to promote best practices in wetland research, education, conservation, restoration, and management.
Stantec is a leader in implementing innovative ideas to restore wetlands, waterways, and ecosystems.
Wisconsin’s Green Fire supports the conservation legacy of Wisconsin by promoting science-based management of Wisconsin's natural resources.
Wisconsin Wetlands Association
We help people and communities care for wetlands. Become a member today!
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Tehassi Hill, Chairman, Oneida Nation General Tribal Council, Wednesday, February 16, 9:00 am
Peter David, Wildlife Biologist, Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission, Wednesday, February 16, 6:30 pm
Jennifer Smith, State Soil Scientist, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, Thursday, February 17, 8:30 am
Enhancing stream-floodplain connectivity in the Driftless Area: opportunities and assessment
Great Lakes coastal wetlands adaptation planning at Apostle Islands National Lakeshore
Early discovery and management of the invasive European Frog-Bit (Hydrocharis morsus-ranae) in Wisconsin
Bog-associated vegetation enhances plant species diversity in southeastern Wisconsin calcareous fens
Coastal wetland plant community responses to record-high Lake Superior water levels: An Allouez Bay case study
Central WI assessment: Using available GIS data to evaluate regional hydrologic alteration and opportunities
Little Plover River Headwaters Wetland Restoration Remnant Seedbank Study, Plover, Wisconsin
A wetland practitioner's guide to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report
Exploring cranberry soil health: Comparing physical, chemical, and biological traits of WI cranberry marshes
Hydrologically modified Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and applications in watershed planning
The use of benthic wetland algae for tertiary wastewater treatment in Chicago, Illinois
The history of snake fungal disease and its implications for snake species in the eastern USA
Assessment of floristic quality, composition, and soil P dynamics in restored and natural SE WI wetlands
The documentation and exploration of Sprague Creek Peatland Scientific and Natural Area
Temporal changes in unisexual and sexual Ambystoma salamander populations in southeast Michigan
Hydrologic restoration of historically drained wetland in the Evansville Wildlife Area
Case studies in hydrologic assessment: Approaches for finding high impact wetland restoration opportunities
Conservation and management of the Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus) in Wisconsin
After Phragmites: Testing the efficacy of multi-year herbicide treatment in Wisconsin's Lake Michigan Basin
European frogbit (Hydrocharis morus-ranae L.) discovered in a coastal wetland with declining floristic quality
Reconnecting a riverine wetland: Constructing a hydrologic budget for a restored wetland
Wetland restoration for an uncertain future: Incorporating climate adaptation at Bohn Farms
Visualizing wetland water: Watershed and buffer conditions organize cross-USA wetland water quality
Some things you always wanted to know about water modeling...but were afraid to ask
Wetland connections: The correlation of parasites between ducks and snails collected from Mead Wildlife Area
Bioengineering for resiliency: Using stormwater wetlands to halt mass wasting of Lake Michigan coastal bluffs
Risk assessment of heavy metals in sediment, root, and mammal tissue at Horicon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge
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