Breakout Session 5: Working with Community Programs to Sustainably Implement the Thiwahe Gluwas'akapi Early Substance Use Prevention Program with Youth and Families on Pine Ridge
Centers for American Indian Health and Alaska Native Health - University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
2:30 PM - 3:30 PMWed
Raider A
Health AdminPrevention/Public Health
Registration Required
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Great Plains Area Behavioral Health Director's Association
Learning Objectives:
1. Provide an overview of the Thiwáhe Gluwás’akapi program.
2. Share plans for evaluating implementation approaches for providing Thiwáhe Gluwás’akapi to youth (aged 10-13) and families on Pine Ridge.
3. Discuss opportunities to integrate TG into community behavioral health organizations as a next step in the sustainable implementation of this family-based substance use prevention program.