Student Discipline & Disrupting the School to Prison Pipeline
Emily Harvey, Esq. and Sara Pielsticker, Esq.
Rocky Mountain C
1:45 PM - 2:55 PMFri
This session will start by framing the issues related to the school to prison pipeline and how they relateto student discipline. Then, we will explain the legal requirements of the IDEA, ECEA, and Section 504 when students are disciplined at school. We will also cover the requirements for functional behaviorassessments and behavior intervention plans. Additionally, we will discuss restraint and seclusion of students with disabilities, including the potential impact on a student's ability to receive a free appropriate public education. We will also discuss how restraint and seclusion can have lasting effectsfor students who are incarcerated and recent Department of Justice settlements regarding the use of seclusion in schools. Finally, we will discuss how this information can be used by school staff to help disrupt the school to prison pipeline.