FEMA - Intermediate Incident Command (ICS-300) *** By INVITATION ONLY ***
Advance Course is THREE Days (Tuesday - Thursday).
Prerequisites: IS 100, IS 200, IS 700, IS 800 AND Salvation Army - Incident Command System (SA-200). Receive approval from you Divisional EDS Director prior to enrollment for additional information.
8:30 AM - 5:00 PMTue
This course provides training for personnel who require advanced application of the Incident Command System (ICS). This course expands upon information covered in the ICS 100 and ICS 200 courses.
Course Objectives: Describe how the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Command and Management component supports the management of expanding incidents; Describe the incident/event management process for supervisors and expanding incidents as prescribed by the Incident Command System (ICS); Implement the incident management process on a simulated Type 3 incident; and, Develop an Incident Action Plan for a simulated incident.
Prerequisites: IS 100, IS 200, IS 700 and IS 800.
The Salvation Army – Midland Division and the Missouri State Emergency Management Agency (SEMA) is partnering together in offering this course to all disaster partner volunteers from Missouri and Illinois. This course will be offered three days before (Tuesday to Thursday March 12 - 14) the EDS Summit. The course is being administered by SEMA with the maximum class size of 30 students. The Salvation Army has a guaranteed minimum of 10 students. *In order to participate a prospective student MUST have both a FEMA Student ID (SID) Number prior to registering and have the approval of their supervisor which in this case is the EDS Director. If a registrant does not already have a SID they may obtain one by going to: