Red Team / Blue Team Challenge Competition
Located in Union Ballroom ABCD
8:00 AM - 5:00 PMThu
Union Ballroom ABCD
6 CPEs
All Day Session
Instructor: Dean Parsons
Instructor: Jason Dely
Instructor: Jeffrey Shearer
Instructor: Tim Conway
Registration Required
Your registration must include one of the required registration options to attend this session. [ Details ]
Participants will work through a series of interactive learning scenarios that enable Operational Technology security professionals to develop and master the real-world, in-depth skills they need to defend real-time systems. It is designed as a challenge competition and is split into separate levels so that advanced players may quickly move through earlier levels based on their expertise. The Grid Netwars experience has been themed for the electricity industry and the scenario has been coordinated to align with industry exercise events.
The scenario is designed around the complex nature of distributed wide-area control systems found in critical infrastructure sectors like electric system operations. Utilizing a variety of real-world technologies found in electrical generation and distribution systems, the challenges are themed to the power system scenario, though the technology, protocols, architectures, and lessons learned are applicable across numerous critical infrastructure sectors beyond the electric sector. Participants can choose to compete as an individual or team up with peers and colleagues to work together as they would in a real-world event.