The NCCER Basic Safety Course is designed to provide all trainees with an awareness of hazards they may encounter on the job site. Attendees will earn the NCCER CSSO (Construction Site Safety Orientation) certification.
8:00 AM - 5:00 PMWed
University B
Registration Required
Your registration must include one of the required registration options to attend this session. [ Details ]
Owner / Director / CEO / Administrator / AAO / Solicitor
Participants in the class will learn how to:
1. Explain the benefits of safety, the cost of workplace incidents, and how to reduce related hazards.
2. Describe common fall hazards and methods to prevent them.
3. Recognize and avoid struck-by and caught-in-between hazards.
4. Identify common electrical hazards and how to avoid them.
5. Associate PPE with the hazards they reduce or eliminate.
6. Describe safety practices used with other common job-site hazards.
NOTE: There is no formal exam; just a module test participants will have to take on their computer. Please bring a laptop to the class.