Wise Women Panel
A Q&A style event where audience members ask panelists their questions about professional development and work-life balance. Panelists include Margy Grant, Senator Kate Lieber, Racheal Weaver, and Rita Ketler.
2:50 PM - 3:50 PMTue
Registration Required
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Panelists include:
Margy Grant, Florida REALTORS® CEO
Senator Kate Lieber, Senate Majority Leader
Racheal Weaver, Vice President of Sales, Old Republic Title
Rita Ketler, Managing Principal Broker
Moderated by: Jenny Pakula, Esq., Oregon REALTORS® CEO
A Q&A style event where audience members ask panelists their questions about professional development, work-life balance, after a short presentation from each panelist on their professional journey and advice to their fellow women REALTORS®.