This session is appropriate for any municipal employee, fire department member, tree trimmer, or utility construction crew. Bucket trucks are used on almost every aerial fiber or overhead electric jobsite. They're amazing machines that help us get our work done faster and safer. But have you ever been trained in how to use one correctly? What incidents are common to bucket truck users? What happens in an emergency, like an overhead line contact? How do you operate the emergency descent controls? This session will cover fall protection, inspection, set-up, and situational awareness to safely use a bucket truck for utility maintenance or construction.
When you're working on aerial fiber or climbing a pole, what do you need to protect yourself. This informative session from people who have done the job will cover PPE selection, hazard assessments, care and maintenance as well as best practices for aerial fiber work and linemen. Join electrical / overhead power safety experts for this fantastic safety refresher & update.