Come to this session to get an update on the NC Principal Working Conditions (NC PWC) Survey and opportunities for engaging and supporting this important work. Session activities will include: a discussion for feedback on the current draft of the survey and providing input on how the data could be used.
During an extensive input process during the NC TWC Survey revision during the 2023-24 school year, North Carolina public schools principals and assistant principals asked for a survey of their very own. Historically, principals and assistant principals in North Carolina have responded to an abbreviated version of the NC TWC for principals (available at but how the data was shared or used is not well understood.
A NC PWC survey would elevate principal/assistant principal voice, increase our understanding of school and district culture/climate from the principal/assistant principal perspective, and collect consistent data across the state. Your attendance and input in this session will continue to guide this work as we refine the survey. #MakeYourVoiceHeard Presenters: Jeni Corn, Tabari Wallace, Tim Drake, Donna Bledsoe, Abby Pearce