Breakout Session 6.8 Ninth Grade Navigation: The Unwritten Rules to Successful High School Transition
Lost In Transition... Bright, capable, often successful students leave middle schools each year only to find themselves struggling when they walk through the doors of their new high school. This causes frustration. Middle school educators wonder why the high school educators are allowing their beloved students to fail and the high school educators are wondering why middle schools keep sending them undisciplined, unprepared students. The students are frustrated with both groups because they feel unprepared by one and unsupported by the other. They can all be right. The issue, though, is not what many may think. It's not academic preparation that's lacking. It's also not a lack of desire to do well. I've learned, it's the lack of understanding about how to function in the new environment. As a high school counselor, I've come to realize these students have no idea how high school works. They don't understand how the rules change. For many, by the time they figure it out, they've lost too much ground. They understand school; just not high school. In this session, we will reveal the tools that have been proven to empower students to take the responsibility of their education into their own hands. Presenter: Juan Cherry