Field Trip: Explore the natural areas of the proposed Bay of Green Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR)
Meet buses at Hotel Main Entrance
Sponsored by: Ducks Unlimited
Leaders: Emily Tyner, Bobbie Webster, and Amy Carrozzino-Lyon
1:30 PM - 4:30 PMThu
Meet buses @ Hotel Main Entrance
Field Trip
Pre-reg. required
Registration Required
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A new National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR) is being designated on the bay of Green Bay. The NERR system is a national network of 30 sites across the coastal US designed to protect and study estuaries and their coastal wetlands. Green Bay is the world’s largest freshwater estuary and the concept of locating a NERR on the bay has been in discussion for some years. Throughout the trip, speakers will describe the goals and vision for the bay of Green Bay NERR. This trip will visit two of the natural areas to be included in the NERR.
The first stop is Wequiock Creek Natural Area, a 76-acre area acquired in 2019 through a partnership between the Northeast Wisconsin Land Trust, the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, and the Town of Scott. The natural area includes flat upland, wetlands, and a forested riparian area sloping into Wequiock Creek. Bobbie Webster from the UW-Green Bay Cofrin Center for Biodiversity will join us to talk about current and planned projects.
The second stop is Ken Euers Nature Area, owned and managed by the City of Green Bay with partners from Ducks Unlimited, UW-Green Bay, WDNR, and USFWS. Extensive restoration has increased accessibility and improved habitat for fish and wildlife. Ken Euers is a popular birdwatching spot that received media attention and hundreds of visitors in July 2023 when a roseate spoonbill spent time in the area. We will be joined by Amy Carrozzino-Lyon, restoration scientist at UW-Green Bay, to learn about the extensive restoration activities and how this links to the NERR designation.
This trip will include unpaved paths and some uneven ground. Anticipate less than a half mile of walking at each stop.
Bus transportation provided.
Registration fee: $12
Pre-registration required.
Sponsored by: Ducks Unlimited
This session will not be recorded.