Dr. Stephanie Libs is a pediatric and prenatal chiropractor in San Diego. After her breastfeeding struggles along with so many families in her office struggling she quickly became known as the “breastfeeding doc.” She’s certified by the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association in pregnancy and pediatrics, and she’s also an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant). She’s got a full, rocking practice with 4 associates and lives and breathes the holistic chiropractic philosophy. She runs chiropractic seminars, has been published in peer-reviewed journals, has written for Pathways to Family Wellness Magazine, and created her courses for chiros and moms all about breastfeeding. She most recently started as an instructor for the ICPA to teach the Webster perinatal technique to other chiropractors and students. She attends births as a chiropractor, and has two babies of her own, with two very different birth stories.