Dr. Liza Cherubini is a chiropractor in Red Bank, NJ. She is the owner of Cherubini Chiropractic. She has dedicated her life to serving people at the highest level through vitalistic chiropractic care. A vitalistic approach to chiropractic looks at the entire person and not merely the parts or symptoms. This approach allows for a greater healing and consciousness shift to occur with chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Liza graduated from Life Chiropractic College West in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2011. Her understanding of chiropractic was greatly influenced by the teachings of Dr Pasquale Cerasoli before entering chiropractic school, and later by Dr Sue Brown who evolved the chiropractic profession with the development of the approach BioGeometric Integration (BGI). Other prominent influences in her career include Dr Arno Burnier, Dr Katina Manning, and Dr Donna Mutter. Dr. Liza has been a yoga practitioner for 25 years, and continues to study yoga and chiropractic philosophy. She speaks and teaches to chiropractors across the country. Her focus and intention with chiropractic adjustments is on uniting the spiritual and physical bodies, so that each person can realize their potential for healing and evolution.