This course will explain the renewable liquid fuel biodiesel/bioheat’s use in heating systems including: a short overview of the fuel, pertinent components of heating systems which are affected by higher bioheat fuel blends, the current state of equipment research and development, and storage and handling concerns.
Biofuels can be used now in existing heating oil equipment. In New York’s existing building stock, where heating oil is still in great use, it is easily possible to adapt home and facility heating equipment to use greater than 20% blends of biodiesel. Transitioning that entire market to pure electricity will be extremely difficult and expensive for industry, the property rental sector, and homeowners. There is currently significant research into how equipment can be modified via technology improvements to use greater blends of biofuels. Biodiesel/bioheat is a bridge fuel for the internal combustion equipment which will still be in use for decades to come.