Tony Tambasco (he / him) is a theatre artist and educator. He holds an MFA in directing and an M.Litt. in Shakespeare and Performance from the American Shakespeare Center's partner program with Mary Baldwin University, and has worked for the past decade as the Asst. Production Manager / Rentals Manager at the Gateway Playhouse on Long Island. Tony's recent directing credits include The Tempest with Northeast Stage, the new play Capriccio Radio with the Modern Classics Theatre Co. of Long Island, the musical Fun Home at the Studio Theatre of Long Island, and The Mikado with the Gilbert and Sullivan Light Opera Co. of Long Island. Some other favorite directing credits include Romeo and Juliet with the Sheboygan Theatre Co., Julius Caesar with Sweet Tea Shakespeare, and the many plays he directed with Bad Quarto Productions in NYC, including The Taming of a Shrew; Hamlet, The First Quarto; and The Cronicle Historie of Henry the Fift. Tony's writing has been published in the journals Shakespeare, Etudes, Theatre Symposium, Renaissance Quarterly, Early Modern Digital Review, and elsewhere. You can learn more about his work at