Frans Jennekens is head of diversity and religion at Dutch national public broadcaster NTR. He was for 8 years chairman of the Intercultural and Diversity Group of EBU. Jennekens initiates and organises projects concerning diversity in the company. He also commissions many informative- and cultural programs on prime time at Dutch Public television.
Jennekens is an award-winning radio and television documentary maker and graduated at University of Nijmegen in educational sciences and mass communication.
He is a sort of “booster” who pushes diversity in the company. It’s means that the company and all the programs reflect the Dutch population in a true way and in accordance with the cultural and journalist standards of the company.
For NTR diversity is a challenge and a creative opportunity to reach new audiences, to strengthen quality of programs, to play an important role in a balanced society with a population that is more and more international and of multi-ethnic background.
NTR has a strategic approach to address unconscious bias in all aspects of the company. For media in general and public broadcasters especially it is Diversify or Die.