Pay Attention! Are you Focused, Sober & Alert? Ready for Work?
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Fri
Sgt. Yokley has been on her current assignment working with the Oklahoma Highway Safety Office as a statewide Traffic Safety Educator since February 2019.
Sergeant Yokley is a native Oklahoman, born and raised in Midwest City. She graduated from Rose State College with an Associate’s degree in Secondary Education, a Bachelor’s degree in Family & Consumer Sciences education and a Master of Education in Adult Education-Community Service from the University of Central Oklahoma. Sgt. Yokley began her career in law enforcement with the Oklahoma County Sheriff’s Office in 2000. First as a reserve deputy sheriff and then a full-time deputy sheriff. She is currently a CLEET instructor, a certified driver’s education instructor, and a DPS-approved defensive driving instructor. She is also a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST).