OSHA 10 - Day 1 +
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Wed
OSHA 10 - Day 2 +
8:00 AM - 3:00 PM Thu
Mike has 30+ years of experience as a safety and health professional. He spent a total of 18 years with OSHA in positions which included Safety Engineer, Compliance Assistance Specialist, and Assistant Area Director.
He has worked extensively with OSHA's Voluntary Protection Programs, serving as Lead Auditor, reviewing and revising VPP applications, and training Special Government Employees to perform audits. He even spearheaded the St. Louis Area Office's successful effort in becoming a VPP Star site!
Following his time with OSHA, Mike served as a National General Safety Program Manager for the Veterans Health Administration and as an Associate Safety Manager for a multi-national pharmaceutical and agriculture VPP Star company.
He is a member of the St. Louis Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), past Chairman of the Greater St. Louis Federal Safety and Health Council, a frequent speaker at the Greater St. Louis Safety and Health Conference and the ASSP St. Louis Chapter Professional Development Conference, and an Associate Member of the VPP Participants Association (VPPPA).
He holds two certifications from the Board of Certified Safety Professionals (BCSP): Certified Safety Professional (CSP) and Certified Instructional Trainer (CIT), as well as a B.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Missouri.
Mike is also a Certified Safety Consultant with the Missouri Workers' Safety Program.