Best-selling Author of Who Will Take Care of Me When I’m Old? and The Complete Eldercare Planner: Where to Start, Questions to Ask, How to Find Help, 4th Edition, Joy Loverde is recognized as one of the leading experts on successful aging and family caregiving.
Over 25-years experience as a media spokesperson, Joy’s appearances include the Today Show, CBS Early Show, CNN Headline News, Fox News, National Public Radio, and others. During her career, Joy has been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, LA Times, Kiplinger’s Retirement Report, and HR Magazine. USA TODAY ran a four-part series on Joy’s eldercare programs.
Joy is a popular keynote speaker and has addressed a variety of audiences including National Institutes of Health, Xerox Women’s International Conference, American Compensation Association, Catholic Charities, Employee Assistance Professionals Association, and numerous others. - Penguin Random House