Concurrent Session: Wetland Flora and Plant Communities
1:30 PM - 2:50 PM Wed
TITLE: Wetland seed mix design 101
ABSTRACT: Reestablishing wetland plant communities from seed can be challenging. Seeding failures can often result from poor site preparation, changed hydrologic conditions, seasonal extremes in weather, invasive species competition, or other factors. In addition to the selection of diverse plant species suitable to site conditions, one must consider the effect of water, on-site species selection, and application rates. Examples include, but are not limited to, presence and depth of standing water, pH and source of water, and potential fluctuating future water levels. Other key considerations are soil types, the introduction of invasive species from adjacent areas, and the potential for the dormant seed bank to contribute to the future plant matrix. To address these and other considerations—besides species selection—I will discuss seed mix formulation, sourcing, and installation strategies that can address common issues or uncertainties. I will also offer recommendations on best practices for specifications when using third parties, such as partner organizations or contractors, to install seed mixes.
BIO: Jason Fritz is the business development manager at Stantec Native Plant Nursery. He has more than 20 years of experience with native plants, seed mixes, and habitat restoration projects. Jason assists clients and Stantec restoration staff with custom seed mixes for varied habitats across the Midwest.