Concurrent Session: Effective Wetland Conservation Partnerships
3:20 PM - 5:00 PM Wed
TITLE: Stream mitigation & wetland restorations: Better together!
ABSTRACT: New regulations for stream mitigation in Wisconsin create opportunities to increase functional uplift through the restoration of stream/wetland complexes. KCI Technologies capitalized and incorporated the restoration of a functional stream/wetland corridor into Wisconsin’s first stream mitigation bank approved by the US Army Corps of Engineers (Corps). The Dead Sheep Mitigation Bank at Jackson Marsh (Washington County – Milwaukee River Watershed) is currently restoring a 96-acre mosaic of habitats and vegetative communities, including 80+ acres of wetland and more than 4000 linear feet of Cedarburg Creek. KCI has been working on the Dead Sheep project since 2021. I will share our experience planning and developing the complex project. Discussion will include how integrating the stream component with the wetland restoration helped develop a more comprehensive restoration, enhancing the wetland area and delivering greater measurable conservation benefits to the site and adjacent WDNR conservation area. In the 1950s, Cedarburg Creek was ditched and completely isolated from the floodplain, and the historic, natural channel was transformed into an incised, 2800’ ditch. On the floodplain, more than 7 miles of drainage tiles were installed for agriculture. By planning and including the stream restoration, KCI developed a more comprehensive riverine plan for a hydrologic corridor with dynamic habitats and interplay of water on the surface and subsurface, producing a higher level of restoration. This approach required additional time and planning effort working with regulators as they developed new procedures, but it will result in a greater potential for meaningful ecological uplift.
BIO: Harald (Jordy) Jordahl has worked on conservation initiatives for many years in many roles. For the last 3 years, he has worked on stream and wetland restorations for KCI Technologies. Previously, Jordy worked on state and national natural resource policies with The Nature Conservancy and as staff in the Legislature, Policy Advisor to the Governor, and at the Department of Administration.