TG2: Legal and institutional frameworks for transboundary water governance
9:00 AM - 11:30 AM Wed
Dr. Elias has more than 16-years of extensive experiences in the field of water resources engineering and management working in academic institutions as a Researcher and Assistant Professor as well as in the water sector as a practitioner with the position of senior advisor and consultant for water resources management and climate change. Dr. Elias received his PhD in Water Resources Engineering and Management, MSc in Water Resources Engineering and management, MSc in Natural Resources and Environment, and BSc in Agricultural Engineering. In addition, Dr. Elias has practical work experience with organizations such as World Bank, UNDP, UN-Habitat, SIWI, SMHI, RAIN foundation, and other national and international organizations as Individual Consultant in the areas of water sector policy and strategy formulation; engineering design and supervision; Water resources development and management; Climate Change adaptation; Project formulation and management; and Capacity development. Currently, Dr. Elias is serving the Eastern Nile Technical and Regional Office (ENTRO) under Nile Basin Initiative (NBI) as Water Resources Engineer/Regional Young Professional Program Coordinator. Dr. Elias has developed his career and specific skills on Hydroclimate and Water Resources System Modelling; Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM); Climate Change Impact Assessment and Adaptation (Climate and Water); water resources infrastructure development and management for Hydropower, Irrigation, water supply and Flood control; as well as Project Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation