Ostrich Cyber-Risk Birdseye is a unified qualitative and quantitative cyber risk management application that allows you to easily track your organization’s financial and operational risks in just hours versus days or weeks. The Birdseye CRQ calculator simulates risk scenarios based on the Birdseye qualitative assessment results including assigning dollar figures to your areas of risk (using FAIR™ CRQ) to quantify the likelihood of both financial and operational impact, and provides data-driven insights for peer loss comparisons. This allows your organization to compare options for addressing the risk, measure the acceptability of each outcome, and implement solutions with the highest ROI to manage risk from the business perspective. Benchmarked against industry-standards (NIST CSF and 800-53, ISO 27001, COBIT, CIS 18), Birdseye offers an intuitive assessment workflow to track your organization’s risk over time, and easy-to-understand, shareable reports to communicate with stakeholders and third parties.