Ergonomics Driven Engineering Design & Automation - On-Demand Course
September 01, 2023 - September 01, 2033 | United States
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Course description This course is designed to serve as a crash course in ergonomics and automation in large industrial and commercial facilities where – in the absence of ergonomics consideration in the design of mechanical, electrical, and controls equipment – operators/workers would be exposed to the risk of acute and/or chronic musculoskeletal (MSD, Musculoskeletal Disorder) injuries. Such injuries not only impact the physical and mental wellbeing and morale of workers but also affect productivity, quality, cost of products and services, and of course the “bottom line.” In this course, Professor Bobby Rauf, a certified ergonomist and author of multiple books, shares his vast knowledge and experience in the areas of ergonomics and automation engineering in large industrial plants in the US and abroad. Mr. Rauf shares examples of challenges and proven solutions for minimizing the risk of MSD injuries through proper engineering of manufacturing cells, equipment, tools, and ergonomic operating procedures. This course begins with raising the awareness of engineers and other professionals about obvious and not so obvious hazards and risks in manufacturing and large commercial operations through coverage of “Red Flags” and cumulative escalation of risk unless adequately engineered solutions and methods are devised to mitigate the objectively identified and quantified risk of injury. This course shows you how the vital design parameters like the height of controls, clearances, and dimensions of work surfaces must be assessed and engineered based on anthropometric and statistical data analysis. This knowledge and pertinent principles are illustrated and reinforced through participative classwork exercises and a quick review of musculoskeletal anatomy. Methods and processes for quantitative assessment and mitigation of MSD risk are explained. This course covers the use of commercially available tools and equipment as well as the design and application of custom engineered automation solutions for mitigation of MSD risk in industrial and commercial operations. This course is designed for engineers, professional engineers, manufacturing engineers, industrial engineers, energy professionals, engineering managers, technical professionals, facilities managers and other professionals who are not intimately familiar with principles and practices of ergonomics in engineering design. Participants are kept engaged through questions and answers, discussions and classwork. Board acceptance guarantee.
99.00 USD

0.00 USD