Attendees can now pre-register for the Education Leads Home 2022 conference. Pre-Registration of teams is required; final registration and payment will be available after we review and confirm the make-up of your team. Please provide details for your team registration and complete all designated fields for approval. For more information about ELH 2022, click here.

Before registering, be sure to know the following information for each team member:

  • Full Name
  • Geographic Location (District/County/State)
  • Email
  • Service Sector/Agency Category

In addition, AS A TEAM, what is the team's primary focus for the interactive planning sessions on Day Two?  Please select the top two tracks that your team will be most interested in attending. The four tracks are as follows:

  • K-12 Public school
  • Early Childhood program
  • Post-Secondary school
  • Community & Housing collaborations 

Please indicate how many people are in your team and complete information for each team member.  Once your team is approved, all team members will receive a group code by way of email to register for the conference and make payment.

What is a TEAM?

A TEAM is at least two (2) individuals, from at least two (2) separate service sectors/agency categories in the same geography (district/county/state). A team consists of a minimum of two (2) people and a maximum of eight (8) people.  

Service Sectors/Agency Categories are:

  • K-12 public school (public charter school, traditional school district, individual K-12 school)
  • Early childhood program (preschool, Head Start, Early Head Start, child care, early intervention, home visiting)
  • Post-secondary school (college, university, technical school)
  • Homeless service provider (shelter, transitional living program, drop-in center, street outreach, or other program providing services to children, youth, or families)
  • Government agency (local, state or federal government agency)
  • Philanthropy (public or private funder of education or homeless services)

Team Examples:

  • A McKinney-Vento liaison and a program officer from the United Way in the same county can be a team.
  • A high school counselor and a preschool teacher from the same school district can be a team, even if the preschool program is located in the same high school where the counselor works.
  • A McKinney-Vento State Coordinator and a public housing authority from the same state can be a team.
  • Two McKinney-Vento liaisons from the same county and a homeless services provider from that county can be a team.
  • Two community college employees and a Head Start Collaboration Director from the same state can be a team.
  • A McKinney-Vento liaison and a county department of health or health care provider can be a team.
  • A host home provider and a K-12 and/or post-secondary school can be a team.
  • Two McKinney-Vento liaisons from two separate school districts cannot be a team, because they both represent the same agency category (K-12 public school).
  • A McKinney-Vento liaison and a principal cannot be a team, because they both represent the same agency category (K-12 public school)
  • A community college employee and a 4-year university employee cannot be a team, because they both represent the same agency category (post-secondary school).

*Not sure if your group qualifies as a team, email