Your Choice Tour - December 16th
It's your choice! Choose the topics you want to hear about.

Think of Micron as your Lean buffet.

...feel like a plate of Kata, or maybe a helping of Developing a Lean Culture? Heck, why not try both with a side of TPM?

The choice is yours. Let us know what you would like to hear about and we'll do our best to deliver an experience you can take with you.

With topics like these to choose from, loosen your belt and dig in.

  • Developing a Lean Culture
  • Micron's Lean Journey
  • 5s Visual Organization and Visual Management
  • TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)
  • Kata
  • Product Flow
  • Apprenticeship Program
  • VSM (Value Stream Mapping)
Friday, December 16
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
9:00 AM - 9:15 AM
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
9:15 AM - 10:45 AM
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM
10:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Dave Seabrook

20 years at Micron. IT Manager, Certified Lean Champion and all around nice guy :) I love to eliminate waste where I find it, but helping others to succeed is the real goal.

Dan Vermeesch

Dan Vermeesch, Lean Champion, Kata Coach Extraordinaire, Fish Fry Guy, has plenty of experience driving continuous improvement throughout Micron and leading the charge in waste elimination.

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Micron Manufacturing, 1722 Kloet Street Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI 49504
Location: Micron Manufacturing, 1722 Kloet Street Northwest, Grand Rapids, MI 49504