Cambridge Business Analysis Community
A friendly, local community of practice for Business Analysts in and around Cambridge.

What is CBAC? 

We are a friendly community of practice for people who carry out Business Analysis as part of their jobs in and around Cambridge. We aim to provide a platform for people to come together, share tools and techniques, develop skills and knowledge, bringing that external view we all benefit from once in a while, and help grow the profile of Business Analysis as a function.

Can I Join?

You may be working on your own or as part of a team. You may or may not have the title of Business Analyst, but if you are involved as an internal consultant on key aspects of business or technology change we’d love you to join us. 

Just register for our next free event and come down or why not join our LinkedIn group to find out more?  

We are a friendly, social bunch always happy to meet new people.

When do you meet?

We aim to run events every 6-8 weeks, and move around companies in and around Cambridge who kindly offer their office space to hold them. We are always looking out for new locations and topics to run, so please do get in touch if you have any ideas.

How do I contact you?

Any questions or suggestions, please email
We are run by a small group of busy volunteers, and we'll do our best to reply promptly.
No upcoming events have been scheduled at this time.