We look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Young Farmers and Ranchers Conference! This is one of the nation’s largest state YF&R Conferences. We hope you’ll come prepared to learn a lot and have a great time!
Registration is 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM on Friday, February 14, in the Lower Lobby. You will receive your name tag, which will be required for entry to conference events, at registration. Download the conference app (EventLeaf Guide) to access all necessary conference information.
Attire: Conference dress is casual.
Many attendees choose to “dress up” or come in costume for the Saturday evening theme night dinner.
This year’s theme for Saturday evening is Denim and Diamonds.
All Discussion Meet participants should dress in smart casual attire for the contest.
Entertainment: Friday evening will include District "Get Acquainted" sessions and BINGO! Night. Following dinner Saturday evening we will have live music and dancing, with cornhole boards in the back of the room and decks of cards out on tables.
Kid’s Sessions: There will even be a couple of short sessions for children, ages 3 and up, presented by the Promotion & Education Committee. However,
please be aware that there are no babysitting services available.
Any child attending conference meals must have meal tickets in order to eat. You can pre-purchase tickets for children or purchase them when you arrive Friday during registration. Meal costs for the children at the conference will be $15/meal.
Please remember that while this is a family-friendly conference, our targeted age is those 18-35. Due to this, some children's sessions are offered, but will be limited, and no babysitting services are available.
Giving Back: Missouri Farm Bureau Young Farmers and Ranchers will be collecting new, unopened toiletry items and pop tabs to donate to Ronald McDonald Houses across the state.
You can bring these items to the 5th level Friday Night to be entered in for a chance to win a "Taste of Missouri" basket.
Check-in to three different morning breakout seminars to be entered for a chance to win the Grand Door Prize. The hospitality area, tradeshow, and silent auction will be set up on the 5th level on Saturday from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Be sure to visit with our vendors, bid on some items, and enjoy the popcorn and Coke products.
Margaritaville has a waterpark! Farm Bureau YF&R Conference attendees will receive a $5.00 discount off of the daily rate (2 years and under are free). Margaritaville also provides free Wi-Fi to all guests!
A total of 531 people have registered so far. The following 531 have opted to share their information.
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