May 20, 2024 | Wildhorse Golf Club
Select Options
Sponsorship Opportunities
Please select your sponsorship option below if you are interested in sponsoring the Foundation Scholarship Golf Tournament. Each package includes: Sponsorship recognition pre/post event and onsite, tournament package and box lunch for each golfer included in your sponsorship, and golf awards/cocktail hour for your golfers and guests.
Additional Benefits: 8 Golfers
10,000.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 8 golfers; Logo signage at the Hole in One hole. You are allowed to set-up a table at your designated hole, provide drinks and snacks, and provide volunteers to watch the contest.
7,500.00 USD
Sold Out
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; Logo’d golf balls
5,000.00 USD
Sold Out
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; logo on goody bags
5,000.00 USD
Sold Out
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; logo sign on beverage cart
3,500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; Logo on box lunch
3,500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; logo signage near beer/cocktail stand
3,500.00 USD
Sold Out
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; logo on golf tees
2,500.00 USD
Sold Out
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; logo on signage next to sunscreen
2,500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: Includes 2 golfers; Sponsor of the designated hole. You are allowed to set-up a table at designated designated your hole, and provide drinks and snacks.
2,500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 2 golfers
2,000.00 USD
Sold Out
Additional Benefits: 4 golfers; Logo signage next to cigars
1,500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 1 golfer; Logo at contest hole. You are allowed to set-up a table at your designated hole, and provide drinks and snacks.
1,500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 1 golfer; Logo at contest hole. You are allowed to set-up a table at your designated hole, and provide drinks and snacks.
1,500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: Logo on designated hole.
500.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 2 golfers
2,000.00 USD
Additional Benefits: 1 golfer
1,000.00 USD
500.00 USD

Individual Golfers
If you plan on registering golfers only, please select individual or a foursome bundle.
Package includes golf for one, tournament package, box lunch, golf awards/cocktail hour
200.00 USD
Package includes a foursome, tournament package, box lunch, golf awards/cocktail hour for each golfer.
600.00 USD

0.00 USD