Submit a Proposal
Please complete the proposal form below.
Food Safety Consortium Conference, Washington DC
Food Safety Tech is requesting abstracts for content to be presented during our upcoming Food Safety Consortium Conference, Oct. 20-22, 2024, Washington DC. All abstracts will be judged based on the educational value.
Abstract Submission Instructions
Select a category, provide a title for your presentation, short summary, longer description of the session, speaker bio and submitter contact information
Abstract Submission Deadlines
Abstract Submissions are Due December 15, 2023. Poster Submissions are Due June 30, 2024

Abstract Submissions are Due December 15, 2023. Poster Submissions are Due June 30, 2024
Abstract Type
Presentation, TechTalk, Panel Discussion or Pre-Conference Workshop or Training, select one

one speaker, slide presentation

multiple speakers (max 4), limited slides

Poster on display. Author must attend conference

Full and Half day Pre-Conference Workshops are offered on Sunday, Oct. 20

15 minute sponsored presentation
Abstract Categories:
Let us know the category of your abstract
[ cannot exceed 2,000 characters ]

Detection, Mitigation, Control, Regulations

Data Analytics, AI/ML applications in food safety

Supplier Verification, Record Keeping, Transportation, etc.

Internal Audits, Supplier Audits, Recruiting & Retaining Auditors, Training

Challenges, Best Practices, Regulations

Regulatory, FSMA, Standards, GFSI, etc.

Environmental Monitoring, Biofilms, Hard to Clean Areas, etc.

Trends, Regulations, Lessons Learned, Recall Ready

Methods, Best Practices, Case Histories

Metrics, Best Practices and Techniques

Best Practices. Case Histories, Methods

Food Fraud, Economically Motivated Adulteration, etc.

Strategies, Best Practices, Regulations, etc.

Strategies, Policy, Best Practices

Challenges, Best Practices, Regulations

Testing, Standards, Regulations, GMPs
Abstract Title
Short Summary of Abstract
Abstract Description
use this field to describe the abstract in detail
Tell us WHY this session is important to attendees and what are the TAKE AWAYS
we might use this for marketing
Speaker(s) Name & Bio - 300 words or less
Company or Organization
First Name
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Last Name
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Job Title
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Person submitting the Abstract and Contact
Consideration for Publication on
I agree to allow the Editor to contact me about potential use of the abstract content in the publication.
Marketing opportunities for Technology and Service Providers
Abstracts that are product and/or company focused are eligible for a sponsored TechTalk.

I am interested in learning about paid marketing opportunities
Terms and Conditions
[ required ]