Office Ergonomics Accreditation Program
May 21 - 22, 2024  ·  Antum Risk


The Office Ergonomics Accreditation Program is designed to assist office-oriented businesses in obtaining high quality, cost-effective ergonomics expertise in-house. In this program, individuals obtain a working knowledge of office ergonomics issues and the evaluation techniques to effectively deal with risk and incidence of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace. As an Accredited Office Ergonomics Evaluator (AOEE), individuals are taught the skills necessary to evaluate an individual workstation and make prioritized recommendations for corrective action. Accredited individuals will obtain a high-quality education, practical, hands-on training and application, and theoretical proficiency through examination.

The credentials provided by OEAP do NOT denote a qualification to diagnose an illness or injury, prescribe any level of treatment, or evaluate environments other than the office.

Examination (2 hours) – Examinations will assess an individual’s understanding of the concepts learned during classroom and practical training. An individual must answer 75% of the exam questions correctly (according to established protocols) in order to pass. Examinations will be given online, and must be taken within one week of the AOEE training. In the event that an individual does not earn a score of 75% or greater, the individual will have the opportunity to take one retest. In the event the individual does not pass the second exam with a score of 75% or greater, all sections of the classroom and practical training must be repeated in order to pursue accreditation. Published training fees will apply.

Homework (6 hours) – Homework assignments will be sent to individuals via email. These assignments pertain to methodology learned in class. The homework must be submitted within a time frame provided in each homework package (approximately 30 days). Upon submission of completed homework, the homework will be evaluated and graded. If less than 80% of the homework is answered correctly (according to established protocols), an individual may resubmit the homework once, within 14 days of notification.

Learning Objectives:

Individuals who complete all requirements of the Accredited Office Ergonomics Evaluator (AOEE) receive credentials which signify that the individual has demonstrated the ability to perform the following:

  • Evaluate an individual office workstation
  • Adjust existing equipment to the user
  • Recommend and/or purchase needed equipment
  • Train the employee on the basics of workstation setup and proper adjustment of equipment

A light breakfast and lunch will be provided each day. 

Registration Cap:
The program is capped at 15 participants.

No-Show Fee:
If you register and do not provide 10 business days notice of cancellation, a fee of $750 will be invoiced to your attention. 


Tuesday, May 21
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Heather S. White, MIE, CPE Master Ergonomist The Ergonomics Center North Carolina State University
Wednesday, May 22
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Master Ergonomist
North Carolina State University

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Antum Risk, 201 Executive Center Drive, Columbia, SC 29210
Location: Antum Risk, 201 Executive Center Drive, Columbia, SC 29210
Before You Register

During the registration process you will be asked if you plan to pursue the AOEE certification. To earn the certification you will need to complete the homework and exam detailed above.   The OEAP renewal process is detailed here - OEAP Renewal Process | The Ergonomics Center (  Please consider all of these factors before you decide if you plan to pursue the certification.