DC and Government Chapters Joint Q1 Meeting
February 15, 2024  ·  Reston, VA

The December DC Chapter FAIR Institute meeting is shaping up to be a not to miss event! We are excited to be meeting back in person this quarter and have an excellent meeting planned! There will be coffee and light breakfast provided. 

At our meeting on February 15, we will discuss Automation and AI in Conducting FAIR Analyses.


  • Welcome and Introductions
  • What's New in the FAIR World
  • Topic Discussion:  Utilizing automated methods for collecting and generating FAIR Analyses.  
    • Addressing the automated data collection options for conducting a FAIR analysis
    • Making FAIR an operational decision making model
    • How can AI be leveraged for these capabilities

If you would like to contribute to the topic discussion with any material or presentation, please let us know.  We are always interested in case studies and lessons learned in using the FAIR model.

11800 Sunrise Valley Drive Suite 900, Reston, VA 20191
Location: 11800 Sunrise Valley Drive Suite 900, Reston, VA 20191